November 7, 2014 - Comments Off on Bronchoscopy Simulator

Bronchoscopy Simulator


Master's Research Project: An Interactive 3D Bronchoscopy Simulation for Pulmonary Medicine Residents: A Tool for Enhancing Anatomical Spatial Relationships


For my Master's Project, I researched current surgical learning tools and literature on spatial learning. I used findings to design and develop a novel learning tool based on video gaming heuristics to simulate interaction with laparascopic equipment. The purpose of this simulation was to train surgeons performing bronchoscopic examinations. I was responsible for the application design and programming.


Interestingly, the motor skills required to operate the bronchoscope could be simulated with the Nintendo Wiimote. The application was programmed in the Unity Game Engine, using the Wiimote as a controller. I completed all design, programming, and 3D modeling of an anatomically accurate bronchial tree.

This project was done in collaboration with the Perioperative Interactive Education (PIE) group, at Toronto General Hospital:

An article on this project was published as:

Predy, L and Dryer M. 2008. Virtual Bronchoscopy: Using Game Design Techniques and Technology to Create an Interactive 3D Teaching Tool. Journal of Biocommunication, 34:3, 34-36.


Published by: lpredy in interaction design