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January 7, 2015 - Comments Off on 123D Sculpt/Sculpt+

123D Sculpt/Sculpt+

Sculpt was released in 2011, Sculpt+ in 2015.

123D Sculpt is a 3D sculpting and painting app for iPad and Android tablets.

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Our objective with 123D Sculpt was to create an application that could make 3D modelling accessible to casual users, while still providing functionality powerful enough to appeal to more advanced users.

The goal of Sculpt was to make 3D modelling and sculpting accessible and fun; we wanted people to be able to "sketch in 3D" and rough out form.

Conceptually, framing 3D modelling as "sculpting" abstracts some of the more complex geometric and mathematical principles by allowing users to relate to 3D spatial manipulation in a familiar, real-world context. The gestural interface of touch devices allow users to manipulate 3D objects directly, allowing for greater intuitiveness.

In particular, I was responsible for designing the gestural camera navigation, the "HUD" help system, tool prompts, and features to onboard novices.


Predy L., Rice-Khouri A., Fowler G., Brown H., Romanovska A. 2012. 123DSculpt: Designing a Mobile, 3D Modelling Application for Novice Users. Case Study. ACM CHI. View PDF 


"123DSculpt: Designing a Mobile, 3D Modelling Application for Novice Users" May 31st, 2012. Autodesk Technical Summit. San Francisco, California.
"123DSculpt: Designing a Mobile, 3D Modelling Application for Novice Users" May 10th, 2012. ACM CHI. Austin, Texas.

November 7, 2014 - Comments Off on Jewelry Designer

Jewelry Designer


A concept for a gesture-based, alogrtithmic jewelry generator. The goal would be to easily allow users to create and iterate on jewelry design for 3d printing.

ring03 ring05


ring02 ring01 ring04

Some examples of 3D printed output:

BlackPlastic BluePlastic_2

November 7, 2014 - Comments Off on Creative Coding Experiments

Creative Coding Experiments


I enjoy experimenting with different frameworks and interaction paradigms. This is an ongoing personal project.

Face Tracking Synth

face tracking synth: faceOSC with openFrameworks and Ableton Live

face tracking synth: faceOSC with openFrameworks and Ableton Live

A demo built with openFrameworks that uses OSC to map face tracking parameters (head tilt, mouth width and height, eyebrow height) to certain parameters in ableton live. You can use your facial expressions just as you would a midi controller. Uses Kyle Mcdonald's ofxFaceTracker addon for OF (


AR Heart

A 3D model of a human heart made interactive in real-time with AR and a webcam.


November 7, 2014 - Comments Off on 123D Catch

123D Catch


Catch enables users to capture the people, places and things around them as realistic, shareable 3D experiences using their mobile device.  The software stitches photographs together to transform them into interactive 3D models that can be shared. I was part of the team that completely re-designed Catch to make the experience more social, improve the usability, update the graphics and interaction paradigms to fit on both iOS7 and various Android devices.

3D print of scan

architecture of community component

For the redesign of Catch, my task was to improve the photography workflows and increase the success rate for new users. To accomplish this, I added a  "photo compass" or guide that uses the device's gyroscope to detect the user's positon mapping it to a dial. The user can fill in segments of the guide by taking pictures at different angles. To integrate the guide into the experience, I created descriptive guide illustrations to be shown on startup.

startup guide


camera guide



November 7, 2014 - Comments Off on 123D Design

123D Design


123D Design for iPad: The goal was to create a simple assembler and transformation manipulators that even novices could understand. I was responsible for designing the interactions, manipulators, and iconography.

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Gestural manipulator that supports object based translate, implicit axial inferencing, and object matting/snapping functionality for easy position of objects.
A single manipulator can be used to snap object to vertices, edges or faces on move.
The snap tool snaps selected faces together upon a tap-tap interaction: an innovative functionality for touch interfaces.

wireframe: content hierarchy


November 7, 2014 - Comments Off on Concept: 3D Modeller for Woodworkers

Concept: 3D Modeller for Woodworkers


This was the preliminary concept for a 3D modeller/assembler geared towards woodworkers. I engaged in ethnographic research and created wireframes and prototypes, but the concept was never taken into development.





The goal was to have "smart" 3D starting forms that woodworkers could quickly assemble and tweak, prototyping their designs without having to become expert 3D modellers.

The proposed outputs were rendered images, a bill of materials, and 2D plans to use in a workshop or send to a CNC router.

I explored the idea of drag-and-drop components with auto-fitting functionality. The software would still provide "detail modes" (such as an exploded view) to allow users to delve into precise construction details such as editing dimensions and joinery. Much work was done creating a hierarchy of components that are commonly used by woodworkers, and establishing rules for fitting.


idea sketch

November 7, 2014 - Comments Off on Bronchoscopy Simulator

Bronchoscopy Simulator


Master's Research Project: An Interactive 3D Bronchoscopy Simulation for Pulmonary Medicine Residents: A Tool for Enhancing Anatomical Spatial Relationships


For my Master's Project, I researched current surgical learning tools and literature on spatial learning. I used findings to design and develop a novel learning tool based on video gaming heuristics to simulate interaction with laparascopic equipment. The purpose of this simulation was to train surgeons performing bronchoscopic examinations. I was responsible for the application design and programming.


Interestingly, the motor skills required to operate the bronchoscope could be simulated with the Nintendo Wiimote. The application was programmed in the Unity Game Engine, using the Wiimote as a controller. I completed all design, programming, and 3D modeling of an anatomically accurate bronchial tree.

This project was done in collaboration with the Perioperative Interactive Education (PIE) group, at Toronto General Hospital:

An article on this project was published as:

Predy, L and Dryer M. 2008. Virtual Bronchoscopy: Using Game Design Techniques and Technology to Create an Interactive 3D Teaching Tool. Journal of Biocommunication, 34:3, 34-36.


November 7, 2014 - Comments Off on CML Patient Case Study

CML Patient Case Study


The Interactive Patient Case Study is an application that enables the user to follow a CML (Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia) patient through a series of visits and treatments.

The user can direct the patient's treatment (changing drugs and dosing), and the program will respond by displaying the patient's response in terms of NCCN guidelines, allowing the user to model a treatment regime.

I participated in research of the NCCN guidelines, helping to develop the content for the program and constructing a user experience that is scientifically accurate and reflective of a real case.





November 7, 2014 - Comments Off on HIV Treatment Adherence Simulator

HIV Treatment Adherence Simulator


This online tool and mobile application accompaniment were developed to help doctors communicate the importance of medication adherence to patients. An interactive graph depicts how adherence can affect viral load over time. Each episode of missed medication is indicated, and users can interact with it to get more information. Visual cues in the graph help patients without a scientific background determine important areas of interaction and gain more of a scientific understanding of the effects of missing medication.

I was responsible for examination of scientific literature to develop accurate equations for viral load graphs, and the effect of missed medications. I was also responsible for the interaction design, creating a Flex prototypes.

November 3, 2014 - Comments Off on Periodic Table Explorer

Periodic Table Explorer


This application was an online accompaniment to a high school science textbook. It is an exploratory way of introducing the concepts of elements, ions and isotopes in an engaging way. Students select an element and "build" the corresponding isotopes or ions, discovering which actually exist and learning about their chemical properties.

I conceived of the navigational interface as part of a design team, as well as developed the application in Adobe Flash, using the provided textbook art elements.
